
Welcome to rtems-build-tool documentation!

This project generates a boot image with the the RTEMS kernel for RTEMS versions 4.9, 4.10, 4.11 and 5.

In it’s default configuration it creates images for the mvme2100 CPU but you can create images for all platforms that are supported in RTEMS.

Here at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin we use these images to run EPICS applications.

Note that you must have the RTEMS cross compiler tools installed. You can use rtems-from-scratch to install these.

How to download

Currently you can only download the project with mercurial with this command:

hg clone http://hg.code.sf.net/p/rtems-build-tool/code rtems-build-tool

rtems-build-tool at sourceforge

You find the sourceforge summary page for rtems-build-tool at rtems-build-tool.

There you also find the link to download the software repository.


Goetz Pfeiffer (Goetz.Pfeiffer@helmholtz-berlin.de, goetzpf@googlemail.com)